Ever Ready Sky Casket
  • Battery: Ever Ready B141 (combined HT 90v & LT 1.5v)
  • Wavebands: Medium 192-550m, Long 1040-1765m
  • Valve lineup: DK96, DF96, DAF96, DL96
  • Released: c.1957
  • Original price: unknown

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This is a cute 'jewel-case' style set in a small rounded-top wooden box that looks rather like a treasure chest. The speaker is hidden in the lid. The deck is of hardboard covered in the printed vinyl and has a tendency to bend over time as it carries all the components.

This set uses an internal ferrite rod aerial and shares its chassis with the 'Harlequin' model produced for export by BEREC.

I only have minimal service data for this set and no accurate date or price.

Last updated 19th May 2002