Ever Ready Sky Queen 2
  • Battery: Ever Ready B136 (combined HT 90v & LT 1.5v) - presumably
  • Wavebands: Medium 194-550m, Long 1040-1765m
  • Valve lineup: DK96, DF96, DAF96, DL96
  • Released: c.1955?
  • Original price: c.£10? plus taxes and batteries

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Another strange one! The Sky Queen 2 - no service data available but this has a printed circuit chassis and a common Ever Ready valve lineup. The set-top handle has been removed from this model - it is in cream coloured plastic with looped wire sides.

This set appears to be a little more slimline than the old Queen - a forerunner to the early transistor designs, perhaps, or the next incarnation (Sky Queen 3) which was, indeed, transistorised.

Last updated 19th May 2002