Vidor CN431 'Marquisa'
  • Battery: Vidor L5536 (90v HT) & Vidor L5060 (7.5v LT)
  • Mains: AC/DC 200-260V @ 40-100Hz
  • Wavebands: Medium 187-571m, Long 1052-2000m (525 - 1603KHz & 149 - 284KHz)
  • Valve lineup: DK92, DF91, DAF91, DL94 & 14B261 metal rectifier
  • Released: February 1955
  • Original price: £15 2s 1d (Purchase Tax and batteries extra)

Vidor described this set as 'portable' whereas I might call it 'transportable' - weight being the factor. The set measures 14" x 10" x 5.5" and weighs around 4lbs without batteries. The top handle is spring loaded to lie flat and the mains lead features a safety disconnect when the back is opened. There is a rotary manual changeover switch in the rear if the user wanted to coil up the mains lead and use the batteries.

The valve lineup here is also a little odd as Vidor were using Dxx96 valves in all their portables by this time. Being an AC/DC set. it lacks a transformer and the LT voltage is derived from a dropper resistance (seen on the left).

It is a sturdily built set with a heavy case and good sound, despite a relatively small (5") speaker,


  • 'Newnes Radio & TV Servicing' Alignment Instructions & Schematic for the CN431

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Last updated 29th April 2005