Generator, Signal CT212 Here's another example of military over-engineering - although the manufacturer is unknown. The CT212 was built for the Royal Navy from around the late 1950's. It has an operating range of 85KHz to 32MHz across 7 switched ranges. It has an attenuated output of 100mV max and a frequency deviation of 30KHz - all this in a sealed aluminium case that should have a lid containing various probes and connectors! The unit may be powered either by 12v battery or by AC power from 110V to 250V. It contains a total of 7 valves. Thanks to Pete Tranter, the Admiralty Handbook for this item may be downloaded from this site at the link HERE (621Kb, 32 pages in LizardTech DjVu format) Return To Test Gear Last updated 11th June 2003 |